Spring 2023: Ventilators and Ventilation
The Covid pandemic forced ventilator management into mainstream media. Do we have enough ventilators? What can we make into a ventilator? Those in medicine that had no knowledge or interest in ventilator management became experts. Truthfully, all physicians should have a level of expertise in the basic mechanics of a ventilator and modes of ventilation. So, let’s see if we can achieve that.
Spring 2023: Sugammadex: a game-changer for reversing neuromuscular blockade
Sugammadex is a newer medication that selectively targets and encapsulates NMBAs, specifically rocuronium and vecuronium, with high affinity and rapid action.
Winter 2022: The Coagulation Process & Clinical Applications for Evaluating Coagulation
Discuss the necessary elements for clot formation in both primary and secondary hemostasis. Examine the pathways needed to generate thrombin and fibrin in the secondary hemostasis, tying the hematological concepts to laboratory testing and analysis, and explain the importance of global coagulation assays, focusing on Thromboelatographs.
Fall 2022: Alternative Uses and Effects of Ketamine
Discuss the history, uses, and effects of ketamine for pain and depression, as well as in the operating room.
Fall 2022: Thoracoscopy with VATS and Decortications
A case study of how the anesthesia team addressed difficulties and potential risks
Summer 2022: Total Intravenous Anesthesia: A Primer
Discuss the benefits to the increasingly common anesthesia technique, Total Intravenous Anesthesia (TIVA), as an alternative to inhalational anesthetics
Summer 2022: Cesarean Section and Hysterectomy for Placenta Accreta
A case study of how the anesthesia team addressed difficulties and potential risks
Spring 2022: Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation (SIMV)
How a shift in thinking paved the way for SIMV to allow patients to spontaneously breathe while assured baseline mandatory ventilation.
Spring 2022: Pediatric:: Difficult Airways
A case study of how the anesthesia team addressed difficulties and potential risks
Winter 2021: Perioperative Fluid Therapy
The expansion of enhanced recovery programs throughout the world has forces us to rethink many aspects of our care including fluid administration.
Winter 2021: Obstetrics: Placenta Previa
A case study of how the anesthesia team addressed difficulties and potential risks
Fall 2021: Intraoperative Cell Salvage For Obstetric Hemorrhage
Should intraoperative cell salvage be considered for obstetric hemorrhages? A literature review discussing the efficacy of Cell salvage for use in obstetrics.
Fall 2021: Case Study: Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG)
A case study of how the anesthesia team addressed difficulties and potential risks.
Summer 2021: Simulation Education
DON'T JUST SIT THERE! Start including more simulation education in your department, today!
Summer 2021: Case Study: Pediatric Airway Management Epiglottitis
A case study of how the anesthesia team addressed difficulties and potential risks.
Spring 2021: Local Anesthetic Systemic Toxicity (L.A.S.T.)
A guideline to proper response.
Spring 2021: Case Study: Partial Nephrectomy for Renal Cell Carcinoma
A surgical case study of how the anesthesia team addressed difficulties and potential risks.